Over 2,000 years after Jesus has given us the Great Commission, the call to fulfil the mandate has remained unchanged. We are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and continue with the work He has started. Jesus came into our world to reveal God’s glory, in order to receive glory from the nations. We are called to cross into the harvest fields with the message of the Cross, hence the name CrossFields. And our strategy in fulfilling that vision is threefold – ignite, incubate and impact.

For the blueprint, we need to look no further than Paul, the exemplary missionary. Paul’s heart was ignited when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, after which he was filled with the Spirit and began to fellowship with other believers. Most, if not all of us, would have gone through a similar experience albeit not as dramatic as Paul perhaps.

Paul then went through an incubation process. He spent three years in Arabia and Damascus, sharing his faith actively and freely there, before going to Jerusalem to meet the apostles. Barnabas then found him in Tarsus and brought him to Antioch, ironically to the church started by the very people who had escaped from him when he was persecuting them. God truly has a great sense of humour.

Antioch was not only the place of reconciliation for Paul. God’s people need to make peace with one another before they could be used by Him as His agents of peace to the world. Antioch was also Paul’s place of development. It was the incubation hub where he expanded his relational and ministerial capacity.

And Antioch was where Paul received the call to go. Three recorded missionary journeys resulted and the gospel entered Europe for the first time, impacting the lives of the people there – and beyond when this life-giving message spread globally.

I believe God is saying to us that DUMC is to be the modern-day Antioch. We have been in the business of sending missionaries and mission teams out the last 30 years, and we will (and we must) continue to do that. Hence, I would like to make a personal invitation to all you members of the church to join CrossFields in this faith venture.

Pastor Kelvin
Missions Pastor

Missions @ DUMC


Proclamation is a work of the Spirit through people who have encountered Christ and filled with the Spirit.

Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”

Missions Prayer Meeting is held every first Saturday of the month

Time: 9.15am – 11.00am

Venue: Room 103, Dream Centre


Preparation is crucial to confirm the calling, refine the hearts and equip those being called to the fields.


Participation in the Great Commission requires strategic collaborations with local and global mission partners.

Interested to join for a mission trip?   REGISTER HERE

South Asia has a total population of about 1.9 billion people. According to Joshua Project, about 95% of the population here are unreached. For many years, DUMC has been partnering with the local churches in Nepal, sending field missionaries who works with them and championing the Business4Transformation (B4T) initiative among the local businesses – bringing the message and values of the Kingdom of God to the local believers and strengthening them to be messengers of the Gospel. In addition to the field workers as well as regular short-term mission trips to support the local churches in Nepal and Sri Lanka, DUMC also supports the work of our beneficiary partners in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
About 8.5% of the world’s population, which is more than 665 million people, lives here. The region has a very diverse culture, with hundreds of languages spoken by different ethnic groups. Eight out of ten of these countries are in the 10/40 Window. These ASEAN countries are our neighbours and DUMC has been active in supporting the works in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia through our field missionaries and mission teams. Cambodia, particularly, has been our main and longest-standing focal point and we have planted 33 indigenous churches to-date through a locally-registered vehicle since 1994.
East Asia, especially the Chinese civilisation, is regarded as one of the earliest cradles of civilisation. The population of East Asia makes up about 38% of the population in Asia and 22% of the world’s population. Major religions in East Asia include Buddhism, Confucianism and neo Confucianism, Taoism, ancestral worship, and Chinese folk religion in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; Shintoism in Japan; Christianity, and Sindoism in Korea. DUMC is working through our field missionaries and mission partners in China and Japan. Mission teams and missional support are also sent to spur the Kingdom-expansion work in these places.

Keep up to date with us on our socials @crossfields.dumc on Instagram.