Contributed by Adeline Ting • Mar 19, 2024
Chaos. The utter disorder, confusion, formless randomness and unpredictability. Biblically, chaos is not just the physical state of disorder but also applies to the moral confusion and spiritual turmoil. Peace. It is the absence of war or chaos. Peace with God draws us close to God. Chaos is the opposite of Peace. While we dislike chaos, chaos forms an integral part of our life. Chaos shows us that We Need God. Chaos arrives unannounced, upsetting the peace, and at times, creating discord in relationships. While chaos can be trying, draining, and troubling, the hardship from chaos pushes us to press in and press on with Jesus, so that we emerge from chaos a much better character. Chaos makes us yearn for peace with God. And that yearning turns us towards God.
I am no stranger to Chaos and Peace. While I am a creature of habit and almost a very organised and meticulous person, I have learnt that no amount of “control” implemented could ever spare me from chaos. The Covid-19 pandemic a few years ago was a “total chaos” in my dictionary. Campus was suddenly closed, educators had to transition to on-line teaching pronto, online assessments and e-Exams were birthed, research work was abruptly halted, on-line Zoom meetings were scheduled almost every day, and so on. To add to the chaos, there was this element of uncertainty of not knowing how long this was to go on. Nobody knew what the future held (back then), and we lived responding day to day, with no end in sight. It was a state bordering on despair and helplessness.
In the midst of all the chaos, I took a step back, paused, and breathed. I knew if I had not pulled myself out from the chaotic madness the world was going through, I would end up lost and depressed. I learned to let go and be less of a perfectionist. It is no longer my way nor my will. To do so, I surrendered and committed to the Lord, all my insecurities, doubts, and uncertainties, for I know He holds the future. This is the part where less of me is more of Him. In doing so, I found the peace in God I so longed for. I felt that with God, I am safe. Nothing can harm me and my family. I worry less for I know I am in God’s hand. Whatever that comes my way, I can overcome it because He is with me. I have a better sense of calmness, setting priorities and boundaries, and doing more meaningful things. I am also thankful that throughout the Covid period, the church transitioned smoothly to on-line services. And amazingly, the Equip Classes migrated on-line with most of all the modules offered. I am grateful that I was able to complete many modules throughout the Covid period. I learnt so much and grew so much, not just in knowledge learning but spiritually and emotionally too. As I turned my eyes to God, I realised He gives me the courage, strength and perseverance to do many things.
Today, the Covid era has come and gone and we are at the tail end of an almost full recovery of the era. Through it all, I count it a blessing to have experienced chaos as I have learnt that God is the constant in all the chaos. I can boast in God that He is the anchor that keeps me grounded firmly in His Word, His promise, and in His love. I am thankful to experience His blessings as His child, and I wish the same for you. God is good, always, in times of chaos and in peace.