Sermon Reflection

Sermon Reflection: Right Birthing 1 – Starting Right in Repentance

Contributed by Adeline Ting • Oct 31, 2023

Each of us has our own conversion stories. For some, it is a privilege to be birthed right and to identify with RuBBeR. They have amazing conversion stories, often accompanied by the significant role of midwives in these stories. But not everyone has this experience. For some, the birthing process was confined to Steps 1 and 2, never quite reaching Steps 3 and 4.

As I reflect on this sermon, I thought of my own conversion story. I accepted Christ in my teens through my Mum’s CG leader. Said the sinner’s prayer and accepted Christ. But that was about it. Then again, I was in my teens, and was busy with school. I did not realise I needed to grow spiritually. When I entered university, I had a different experience. I joined a CG in my residential college, and my CG leader was nurturing. She gave me the choice to consider saying my sinner’s prayer again as I was not sure I did the right thing back when I was a teen. Thereafter, she gave me my first paperback Bible, and encouraged me to join the campus CF (Christian Fellowship) activities and attend CG weekly. With her nurturing and guidance, I learnt to believe in Jesus more and more. To cut the story short, I was baptised with water after my graduation. And it was in DUMC that I finally received the Holy Spirit during one of the altar calls after the Saturday service. Looking back at my conversion story, it may have started back when I was a teen, but my birthing story was more prominent in the subsequent years. I am ever grateful to have several key people in different points of my life that I consider excellent “midwives” that have helped me to grow closer to God. They have influenced me into becoming who I am today.

I would wish the same for others, in their conversion and regeneration experience. My hope is that “midwives” take their roles seriously, in moulding, guiding, and discipling new-born babies well. Do not abandon nor forsake the new-borns for they can falter easily if not given a strong foundation in their developing years. Saying the sinner’s prayer to lead them to accepting Christ is only the first step. There is more to be unpacked in Steps 2, 3 and 4. Be patient and gracious as you journey through with them in their repentance as this is where they need you the most – in starting it right. Making that 180° turn away from sin requires all-hands-on-deck! See through the whole process with them, right up to receiving the Holy Spirit (Step 4) and more (if you can). Make this a relationship that can bear good fruits and spread positive influence all around.

And for new-borns, you may wonder if we all have been saved by grace, why then is birthing right so important? Well, birthing rightly, through Steps 1-4, is to empower you to do greater things for God. It helps you to grow closer to God. And when you know Him well, His law and want becomes integrated into your life and you will be humbled to live a life of daily repentance.

I pray that all “midwives” and new-borns are equally committed to starting the birthing process rightly for the kingdom of God.